Trouble with WiiLink Account Linker

I’m trying to see if I can connect my WiiLink Account to the console but everytime I scan the QR code it just asks me to log in and tells me to scan the QR code again. I’m trying to explain it the best I can but I’m saying that the guide doesn’t really help me because it goes from ‘Scan QR code’ to ‘Great, you have it set up!’ but its not doing that for me.

You have to sign up first before you do that

Sign up where?

Login | WiiLink Account here

scan the QR code on the wiilink account linker and click login with your wiilink account then press sign up on the bottom left hand corner

once your account is made rescan the QR code and click login with your wiilink account then login

Can someone make a tutorial because this isn’t working at all, the guide doesn’t help either.

I will make a tutorial, when I am done I will link it here

Here is the tutorial on how to make a wiilink account

I’m genuinely starting to tweak out. The tutorial didn’t help either, like at least have access to my camera so I can scan the QR code on my computer. I feel like redownloading WiiLink Account Linker is my only option left. I’ll get to figuring this out later.

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which step do you seem to have trouble with

I downloaded the app, extracted the files to the SD card, booted up the homebrew channel, loaded the app, scanned the QR code, logged in, it then asks me “To finish creating your WiiLink Account, you will need to link your Wii Console to it. To do so, please download the Account Linker application from the Open Shop Channel. Once you’re done, you will be able to use Domino’s ordering on the Food Channel, and in the future view all data associated to your account from the Check Mii Out Channel, Everybody Votes Channel, LinkTag and your Digicard. You can also use our Forum here without linking a console!” and theres nothing really much I can do besides rescanning the QR code and get the same message to pop up.

this is a link to create your wiilink account

hopefully it works

Request denied?

Imma redownload the application and see if that does something.

Nope, does exactly the same thing.

Try to get into contact with a wiilink dev because idk how to fix this


i sent a support ticket and ill see if they reach back to me