What would be the best option to play online services on the Wii. I know wiimifi exists but are there others, and if so which is the best.
there is the wiilink wfc (but no one really uses it)
I personally still recommend Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection | Wii Hacks Guide as, although WiiLink WFC is far superior technically, it has far lower player counts, and therefore matchmaking is a struggle.
wiimmfi and wiilink WFC are the only wifi connections that I know of, I recomend to just go with wiimmfi
I was thinking wiimifi any tutorial on how to get it?
there are many ways to get wiimmfi, this should help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnGp3lbZiyE&pp=ygUSSG93IHRvIGdldCB3aWltbWZp
please don’t link video guides here. @Logan i recommend following Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection | Wii Hacks Guide
In what way is WiiLink WFC technologically better than Wiimmfi? Is there specifics?
It’s all open-source, meaning you can audit the code yourself for security and whatnot at WiiLink · GitHub, unlike Wiimmfi which is completely closed source, with its code and how it runs being kept private. Additionally, due to how old Wiimmfi, it’s likely to be built on older, insecure technologies, while WWFC is built on the latest and greatest.
Wiimiifi, but sometimes it gives me a DSI error
Wiimmfi or NetPlay on dolphin (not sure if that really counts)