Error Code 338341

Every time I boot up the food channel (dominos) it says, “a server error has occurred. Try again later. Error Code 338341” and prompts me to go back to the Wii menu. I have the latest patcher, a Wii link account, and a secure connection. I don’t know why it is doing this. Please help.

It is giving me the same error, this means that this problem is on wiilinks side and the only thing you cam do is report it and wait for a fix.

The Food Channel is down due to changes on Domino’s end. Check for updates

Domino’s changed their API for ordering and it broke the food channel

Thank you so much, I thought my Wii was busted. When would this problem be fixed?

It has literally just been fixed! If you try again, it should be working now.

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Thank you so much

But now when I go to sandwiches it says, “Unable to connect to the internet. Please try again. Error Code 330300” and tells me to go to the Wii menu. Probably an issue on my part, but I want to be sure just in case.

I will check it out

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I just wanted Philly cheesesteak man

it didn’t give me the error

try to do a connection test