How-To: ModMii Syscheck Updater

What is the ModMii SysCheck Updater?

The ModMii SysCheck Updater is an “activity” in the ModMii Windows application, which takes a SysCheck report, and uses it to update your console’s softmods automatically.
Unfortunately, this application is Windows only, and does not run through Wine, so those on macOS or Linux should either use a real Windows computer or a VM to run this tool.

How do I use the SysCheck Updater?

:warning: Check your SD/USB for a WAD folder. If you have it, please delete it before continuing.

If you don’t already have ModMii, download it from

  1. Launch Modmii Classic (not ModMii Skin)
  2. Type I Agree and press enter
  3. Type SU and press enter to select the Syscheck Updater Activity.
  4. Provide it with your SysCheck.csv file by dragging the SysCheck.csv file from the root of your SD/USB and dropping it into the ModMii window.

If you don’t have a SysCheck.csv, follow this guide to generate one.

  1. It’ll list many WAD files that it will download, select Y = Yes.
  2. Once the downloading is done, type O to Open File Location COPY_TO_SD.
  3. Copy the contents of the COPY_TO_SD folder to the root of your SD/USB. Follow the generated guide that opened in your web browser closely.

:warning: Don’t forget to install the stub files in root:/wad/stubs/ after you install the other wad files.

Huge shoutout to @scootyrooty for making the original instructions that this post is based on!