Thank you everyone!

I’m glad to see how well and active these forums are on day one! I’d like to thank y’all for being part of this community, and the start of something I believe is going to be amazing!

With that said, I’d also like to thank everyone behind the scenes who worked on this, and clarify who did what.
Thank you @sketch for actually setting up the forum, and for getting it all linked into our account system!
Thank you @burrito for all the work you’ve done on creating our account system!
And last, but not least, thank you @SomeRandomHumanoid for your work on creating our custom CSS that really makes these forums look good!

Without all of our team, and you, the community, we would not be here today, and for that, thank you all!
Enjoy the forums!


Your welcome thank you so much for this community and it was so fun to be here from day 1 thank you for everything and I am excited for the future

what he said

Certainly a fun thing to use, I’m glad to have discovered WiiLink recently