Welcome new users

welcome new users to the wiilink fourms

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Bro thinks he’s cool cause he found the site and made an account before it was announced

dude what did I do I was just welcoming new people


Hi! I’m new! thanks for the warm welcome! and very general too!

Welcome to WiiLink!
“Wii U I look just like Buddy Holly!”
Now it’s time for the rules…
Do not date your WiiLink. Do not name your WiiLink “Jeff.” Your WiiLink cannot eat a sandwich. Your WiiLink can’t draw a picture for you. Do not scuba dive with your WiiLink. More rules at WiiLink - Guide

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I’ve only just seen this - was there any need to be so rude?

yeah idk why i think he thinks he is cool doing that

not sigma dude >:(
-10T aura

Woah man, what are you Bully Maguire, that wasn’t nessecary