- baseball
- golf
- bowling
- tennis
- boxing
Bowling is my favorite of the bunch
baseball, it’s too hard
golf has always felt the buggiest to me (with boxing being the second-buggiest)
Hardest question of my life, all of em are good
The only wii sports sport that I don’t like is golf
golf is so annoying i swing soft and it acts like I just swung it across the earth
lol cute cat but just completely random
golfing is kinda boring but at the same time I havent played much of it
smh golf is awesome, y’all have the wrong opinions
nuh uh dude your wrong
I LOVE baseball!!! how could mark it as your least favorite
I don’t like boxing because I always felt the controls were glitchy and unresponsive
tbh i would have choosen tennis as is very simple but ngl considering resort actually has Golf in a more fun and interesting way i would say Golf in the og Wii Sports then cause there’s an version that is much better than that one, you could argue that ping pong/table tennis would be the same but to me they aren’t the same at all, so I can see myself playing tennis in Wii Sports, while Golf I would never play it in the og now
Every version of golf (Wii Sports, Resorts, Club) has never clicked with me. Club feels the most refined out of the trilogy, but even then, attempting to enjoy the game mode is difficult when I’m consistently getting horrid scores due to the golfball never wanting to go in a straight line. I never turned the Wiimote, trust me.
Or maybe I did and it’s a skill issue on my end. I’m inclined to believe I suck at the game mode. Then again, I play it much less compared to Tennis, Baseball, and Bowling on each iteration of the game.
i definitely think resort did golf a lot better, i’ve just never liked boxing
baseball’s controls are so bad it’s not even playable
honestly, im sure every kid during the late 2000s to the early 2010’s played golf only once