When will this come out ❓

Will this come out soon?

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@TurboCat9999 When do you think it will come out?

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a month, maby less if were lucky!

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It’ll come out when the CSS design to make it really look like a WiiLink site is finished
P.S. keep it on the downlow! don’t go around telling people about this


ok I wont tell people about this

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Got it, Don’t worry!

This is so cool

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Makes sense. It will be funny when new people get on and are trying to be the first people with the badges and then they see us and are like how does these people have these badges? They are not part of the dev team.


Actually we are only 3 people on the forum lol

Yeah just don’t tell people about this

hi, i found this on google, i will not tell people about this

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i know dont worry about that :upside_down_face:

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ok because only the devs are meant to have access but we do too

Great, so we are all on the same page!

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Is wiilink forums being disabled for non staff users

I think so tho maybe not but they prob are but we found a workaround

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no, discourse just slightly broke when i updated it lol. all fixed now

Oh well we found a workaround to it not working lol